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摘 要:多巴胺是当前研究得最有成效的脑内神经递质,且与其它脑内神经递质系统有着密不可分的联系。近年来研究发现,多巴胺及其受体对于体温调节具有重要意义,而且两类亚型的多巴胺受体参与体温调节的作用和机理可能不同,本文就多巴胺和各种多巴胺亚型受体研究现状,尤其是参与体温调节过程中的研究进展,作一综述报告。 参考文献: [1]姚志彬,陈以慈主编.脑研究前沿、广东科技出版社,1995,300~18 [2]Seeman P, Van Tol H. Dopamine receptor pharmacology.Trends Pharmacol Sci, 1994, 15(7):264 [3]Sibley DR, Monsma FJ. Molecular biology of dopamine receptors. Trends Pharmacol sci, 1992, 13(2): 61 [4]韩济生主编.神经科学纲要.北京医科大学-中国协和医科大学联合出版社,1993,365~82 [5]韩济生,关新民.医用神经生物学.武汉出版社,1996,71~98 [6]Faun JE, Crocker AD. The effect of selective dopamine receptor agonists and antagonist on body temperature in rats. Eur J pharmacol, 1987, 133:243 [7]Salmi P, Jimenez P, Ahlenius S. Evidence for specific involvement of dopamine D1 and D2 receptors in the regulation of body temperature in the rat. Eur J phamacol, 1993, 236(3/4) :395 [8]Miilan M J, Peglion JL, Vian J, et al. Functional correlates of dopamine D3 receptor activation in the rat in vivo and their modulation by the selective antagonist, (+)-S 14297: 1. Activation of postsynaptic Da receptor mediates hypothermia, whereas blockade of D2 receptor elicits prolactin secretion and catalepsy.J Pharmacol Exp ther, 1995, 275(2): 885 [9]Faun JE, Crocker AD. The effect of selective dopamine receptor agonlsts and antagonist on body temperature in rats. Eur J pharmacol, 1987, 133: 243 [10]Verman A, Kulkarni SK. Differential role of dopamine receptor subtypes in thermoregulation and stereotypic behavior in naive and reserpinized rats. Arch Int pharmacodyn, 1993, 324:17 [11]Costentin J, Duterte-Boucher D, Panissaud C, et al. Dopamine D1 and D2 receptors mediate opposite effects of apomorphine on the body temperature of reserpinizad mice. neuropharmacology, 1990, 29(1): 31 [12]Subrsmaniam S, Lucki I,McGonjgle P. Effects of chronic treatment with selective agonista on the subtypes of dopamine receptors. Brain res, 1992, 571(2): 313 [13]Srivastava AK, Srivastava YP, Cupta PP, et al. Characterization of dopamine receptors involved in central thermoregulation in rabbits. Indian J Exp biol, 1991, 29(9): 1087 [14]Vasse M, Chagrsoui A, Hemy JP, et al. The rise of body temperature induced by the stimulation of dopamine D1 receptor is increased in acutely reserpinized mice. Eur J pharmacol, 1990,181(1): 23 [15]Meller E, Hizami R, Kreuter L. Hypothermia in mice: D2 dopamine receptor mediation and absence of spare receptors.Pharmacology Biochem behavior, 1989, 32(1): 141 [16]Parada MA, M de paracla M P, Rads P, et al. Sulpiride increases and dopamine decreases intracrsnial temperature in rats when injected in the lateral hypothalamus: an animal model for the neumleptic malignant syndrome? Brain res, 1995,674 (1):117 [17]Verman A, Kulkarni SK. Dopamine receptor mediated hypothermic action of B-HT 920 in rats. J Pharm pharmacoi, 1991,43(6): 421 [18]Double KL, Crocker AD. Effects of inactivation of Di dopamine receptors on stereotypic and thermic responses to quinpirole (LY171555). Neuroeci lett, 1990, 115(1): 81 [19]Boyar we, Altar CA, Modulation of in vivo dopemine resease by D2 but not D1 receptor agonista and antagonists. J neurochem, 1987, 48(3):824 [20]Aretha CW, Galloway MP. Dopamine autoreceptor reserve in vitro: possible role of dopamine D3 receptors. Eur J Pharmacol,1996, 305(1-3): 119 [21]Gainetdinov RR, Sotnikova TD, Grekhova TV, et al. In vivo evidence for preferential role of dopamine Da receptor in the presynaptic regulation of dopamlne release but not synthesis.Eur J pharmacol, 1996, 308(3): 261 [22]Yamawaki S, Lai H, Horita A. Dopaminergic and serotonargic mechanisms of thermoregulation: mediation of thermal elfects of apomorphine and dopamina. J Pharmacoi Exp Ther,1983, 227(2): 383 [23]Suaudeau C, Dourmap N, Costentin J. Rapid and long lasting reduction of the hypothermic effect of a D2 dopamine agonist after an intracerebroventricular injection of 6-hydroxydopamine.Neuropharmacology, 1995, 34(1): 101 |