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摘 要:目的 探明睾丸间质细胞及淋巴管的超微结构。方法 灌流固定后半薄超薄切片光镜和电镜下观察。结果 睾丸间质细胞有二种亚群,各有其特点。淋巴管存在于纵隔内,小叶内未见典型淋巴管。结论睾丸间质细胞分明细胞和暗细胞二种,纵隔内有丰富的淋巴管及毛细淋巴管,而小叶内则存在广泛的淋巴间隙。 Ultrasttructure of Interstitial cell and Lymphatics in the Testis gao Jie,Shen Lishan Abstract:objective Fine ultrastructure of interstitial cell and lymphatics in the testis. Methods After fixation by perfusion seem and fractured tissue, by light microscopy and transmission electron microscopy. Results Inmediastinum testis exists straight lymphatic, in interstitial tissue haven’t straight lymphatic. Conclusions In interstitial tissue tissue encircled of the individual seminiferous tubules and have spaces. Interstitial cell idevide into two: light and dark. Keywords:testis; interstitial cell; lymphatics; ultrasttructure参考文献: [1]刘执玉.淋巴学.第一版,北京:中国医药科技出版社,1996,3~7 [2]赵玲辉,王云祥.淋巴管前通路的研究进展.解剖科学进展,1998,4(1):17 [3]Fawceet DW. Observations on the organization of interstitial tissueof the testis and on the occluding cell junction in the seminferous epithlium. Adv Bbiosci, 1973, 10: 83 [4]Clark RV. Three-dimensional organization of testicular interstitial tissue and lymphatic space in the rat. Anat rec, 1976, 184: 203 [5]Hamasaki M, Kumabe T. Three-dimensional structure of two different lymphatic spaces in rat testis, and the route of flow fluxes of their lymphatic fluids. Acta Anat Nippon, 1994, 69: 669 [6]成令忠.组织学.第二版,北京,人民卫生出版社,1995,214~219 [7]刘慧雯,李村,金连弘.大鼠睾丸间质细胞发育的形态学研究及立体学定量分析.解剖学报,1995,26(4):431~434 [8]汤雪明.大鼠睾丸间质细胞的自体吞噬活动.实验生物学报,1988,2l(1):119 [9]叶世隽,游美梅,薛社普.醋酸棉酚对大鼠垂体促性腺细胞及睾丸间质细胞超微结构影响的观察.解剖学报,1982,13(2):206 |