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第四节 载脂蛋白CⅢ基因型检测 载脂蛋白CⅢ基因位于11号染色体与载脂蛋白AⅠ-AⅣ形成一基因族,它位于载脂蛋白AⅠ下游,有三个内含子和四个外显子。对载脂蛋白CⅢ基因339;末端非编码区C-G对换产生一个Sac-Ⅰ酶切位点与冠心病的关系未有定论。用多聚酶链反应(PCR)扩增载脂蛋白CⅢ基因339;末端233bp,再用Sac-1酶切扩增产物,可以检测载脂蛋白CⅢ基因339;末端的突变及其与动脉粥样硬化相关性。本节采用PCR-RFLP检测ApoCⅢ基因型。 一、仪器与试剂 1.仪器:电泳仪,基因扩增仪。 2.试剂:TaqDNA聚合酶,dNTP,DNA参考物,Sca-1酶。 二、操作方法 1.模DNA提取 取用EDTA抗凝全血100μl加试剂(0.32mol/L蔗糖,5mmol/l MgCl2,1% TritonX-100,0.01mol/L Tris-HClpH7.6),振摇至溶解均匀透明,3000r/min离心10min,弃上清,沉淀部分加0.9NaCl溶液洗一次,加预冷试剂Ⅱ(75mmol/l NaCl,24mmol/L EDTA)100μl,20%SDS15μl,蛋白酶K10μl(6g/L)于65℃水浴4h,加200μl酚和氯仿:异戊醇(24:1)各提两次,上清加无水乙醇1.0ml放置于-20℃2h,以12kr/min离心5min,真空干燥后加50μlTE缓冲液溶解,4℃保存备用。 2.多聚酶链反应 Primer1:539;-GTG ACC GAT GGC TTC AGT TCC CTG-339;,primer2:539;-GGt AGG AGA GCA CTC AGA ATA CA-339;。反应总体积为50μl,扩增缓冲液所含物质终浓度为:Tris-HCl,pH8.3,67mmol/L;MgCl225mmol/L;KCl 50mmol/L;明胶0.01%,dNTP各0.2~0.5μmol/L,模板约10μg,加40μl液体石蜡,94℃预变性4min,加Tag聚合酶1.5U,以93℃1min、65℃1.5min、72℃1.5min,循环30次。 3.扩增产物酶切 取扩增产物20μl加入NH4AC20μl,再加300μl无水乙醇混均置-20℃1h,10000r/min离心7min弃上清,干燥后加Sac-1酶液10μl37℃保温2h。 4.扩增产物碱基对分子量测定 采用GB公司产DNa marker,以已知DNA片段bp数相对应的电泳迁移距离,取半对数作图制成标准曲线,再根据等测定扩增产物DNA片段移动距离在标准曲线上求出其bp数。 三、结果分析 采用本节设计引物扩增产物为ApoCⅢ基因339;非编码区233bp,该产物经Sac-1酶切可出现三种结果;①酶切后仍为一条带,电泳迁移率未发生改变,为S1S1纯合子;②酶切后除原始带外又增加了两条带,查标准DNa marker曲线在158bp和75bp相同,为S2S2杂合子;③酶切后原始带消失,出现两条新带,其电泳迁移率与158bp和75bp相同,为S2S2纯合子。S2为扩增的基因产物中C-G对换增加一个酶切位点。 检查100名正常人中有S2杂合子28名,纯合子2名;68名冠心病人中S2杂合16名,纯合子4名,它们的频率变化见表(19-4)。S2基因频率两组间无明显差别。 表19-4 载脂蛋白CⅢ基因Sac-Ⅰ酶切频率表 级别 n 基因型 频 率 S1S1 S1S2 S2S2 S1 S2 正常人 100 70 28 2 0.84 0.16 冠心病 68 48 16 4 0.82 0.176X=0.079,p>0.05(两组比较) (徐琼) 参考文献 1.鄢盛恺,载脂蛋白(a)研究近况,国外医学临床生物化学与检验学分册,1996,7:38 2.Utermann,G.The,mysteries of lipoprotein(a).Science,1989,246:904 3.Utermann G,Menzel HJ,Kraft HG,et al.Lp(a)glycoprotein phenotypes ,inheritance and relation to Lp(a)lipoprotein concentratios in plasma.J Clin Invest,1987,80:458 4.Utermann G,Kraft HG,Menzel HJ,et al.Genetics of the quantitative Lp(a)lipoprotein trati.I.Relation to lp(a)glycoprotein phenotypes to Lp(a)lipoprotein concentrations in plasma.Hum Genet,1988,78:41 5.Kraft HG,Dieplinger ,Hoye E,et al.Lp(a)phenotyping by immunoblotting with polyclonal and monoclonal antibodies.Arteriosclerosis,1988,8:212 6.Huang CM,Kraft HG,Gregg RE,Modified immunoblotting technique for phenotyping lipoprotein (a),Clin Chem,1991,37:576 7.Gaubtz JW,Ghanem KI,Geavara J Jr,et al.Polymorphism of human apolipoprotein (a):Inhertance and relationship of their molecular weights to plasma levels of lipoprotein(a).Jlipid Res,1990,31:603 8.Kamboh MI ,Ferrell RE,Kottke BA.Expressed hypervariable polymorphism of apolipoprotein (a)Am J Hum Genet.1991,49:1063 9.Getoldi D,Bellotti V,Buscaglia P,et al .Characterization of Apo(a) polymorphism by a modified immunoblotting technique in an Italian poprlation sample.Clin Chim Acta,1993,221:159 10.Marcovina SM,Zhang ZH,Gaur VP,et al.Identification of 34apolipoprotein (a)siofoms:differential expression of apolipoprotein(a) alleles between American blacks and whites.Biochem Biophys Res Commun,1993,191:1192 11.李建军,压一义,汪俊军,人血清脂蛋白(a)的多肽性检油,中华医学检测杂志,1994,17:22 12.Sandholzer C,boerwinkle E,Saha N,et al.Apolipoprotein(a)phenotypes,Lp(a) concentration and plasma lipid levels in relation to coronary heart disease in a Chinese population ;evidence for the role of the Apo(a) gene in coronary heart disease.J Clin Invest,1992,89:1040 13.秦树存,王士雯,李成文等,载脂蛋白(a)多态性与冠心病的关系,中健医学杂志,1995,75:588 14.庄一义,李建军,汪俊军,心脑血管疾病载脂蛋白(a)多态性研究,中华医学杂志,1995,75:149 15.Pedro-Botet J,Senti M,Auguet T,et al.Apolipoprotein(a)genetic polymorphism and serum lipoprotein(a)concentration in paticnts with peripheral vascular disease .Atherosclerosis ,1993,104:87 16.Dieplinger H,Lackner,Lackner C,Kronenberg F,et al.Elevated plasma concentrations of lipoprotein(a) in patients with end-stage renal disease are not related to the size polymorphism of apolipoprotein(a).J Clin Invest,1993,91:397 17.Utermann G,Jaeschke M,Menzel J.Familial hyperlipoproteinemia type Ⅲ.Deficiency of a specific paolipoprteins.FEBS Lett,1975,56:352 18.Rall SC Jr,Weisgraber KH,Mahley RW.Human apolipoprotein e heterogeneity cysteine-arginine interchanges in the amino acid sequence of the ApoE isoforms.J Bio L Chem ,1981,256:9077 19.Wardell MR,Suckling PA,Janus ED.Genetic variation in human apolipoprotein E.J Lipid Res,1982,23:1174 20.Zannis VI,Breslow JL.Human very low density lipoprotein apolipoprotein isoprotein polymorphism is explained by genetic vartion and post-translational modifications.Biochemistry,1981,20:1033 21.Davignon J,Gregg RE,Sing CF.Apolipoprotein E polymorphism and atherosclerosis.Arteriosclerosis,1988,8:11 22.解用虹,何锦林,王克勤,载脂蛋白E异构体的分离及其表型测定,生物化学与生物物理学报,1987,19:272 23.王克勤,解用虹,何锦麟。中国人群(京津地区)载脂蛋白E基因多态性和表型分布的研究,生物化学杂志1988,4:274 24.Utemann G,Steinmetz A,Weber W.Genetic control of human apolipoprotein E polymorphism:Comparison of one and two dimensional techniques of isoprotein analysis. 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